Saturday, April 28, 2007

San Francisco Here I Come

Well, I am officially signed up for the summer season with Team in Training. I will be training through the nice hot Texas summer for the Nike Women's Marathon in San Francisco on October 21st. I am training in honor of my brother-in-law, Stacey; Georgie in Kentucky; and little Hailey from the preschool at my church. The kick off for our event will be May 17th and our first group practice will be May 19th. I'm excited about this event as my friend did it last year and said it is lots of fun. It is San Francisco, so the course is sure to be hilly, but it will be worth it. If you would like me to add someone to my list of "heroes", leave me a comment and I'll write their name on my shirt for the race. If you'd like to donate to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, you can visit my fundraising site at

Last week and this weekend have been really busy so far, so I haven't gotten to run as much as I normally do, and I haven't gotten on my bike since last Thursday. I'm hoping that tomorrow's weather will be nice enough to get outside and train. Today was beautiful if you just wanted to be outside, but very hot and muggy if you wanted to run. I know it will only get worse as summer approaches, but since soccer is still going on, I used that as my excuse today. No excuses tomorrow.

I also emailed the race director for the Longhorn 1/2 Iron triathlon I am thinking of doing. I know the full Ironman races have cutoff times and I wanted to know if the half-iron mans (HIM) have them as well. He assured me that they want ALL participants to finish the race and that I will have 8.5 hours after the last swim wave to finish the bike and run. That means 8.5 hours to ride 56 miles and run 13.1. I'm pretty sure I can do that, so it looks like I'll be hitting the "register" button soon.

Until next time.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You are my hero. You amaze me and inspire me with every year that I get to be your friend. So very proud of you!
"Just keep Running!!"
