Wednesday, November 12, 2008

An Update on The Back

After resting all day Saturday, I got up Sunday and felt I needed to do something. We had decided to go to the Creekside Service at our church at 11:00, so I had plenty of time. I got on the trainer and rode my bike for about 15 minutes. I didn't want to push things, so that was enough.

Monday I had my second adjustment. Pop. Pop. PopPopPop. It's amazing at how many pops the chiro can get out of my neck. After I got home, I got on the treadmill, set the speed at 4mph and walked at a 1.5% incline for 30 minutes.

Tuesday - well, those of you who know me well know that Tuesday's are yoga days. I was able to do much more this week than last, but still had to do the beginner or intermediate poses on some of the poses, whereas I normally do advanced on almost all of them. I can tell the left side is still tight.

Wednesday. Part of the original gift certificate to the chiro included a 30 minute massage. I LOVE massages. And that massage was tonight. Ahhhhh. I could have fallen asleep. And the massage therapist actually massaged hard and she actually found some areas that bother me that other massage therapists never find. I'll be going back to her for sure. She also mentioned a different kind of massage that sounds interesting. She said it's good for really flexible people who can't get stretched out enough by themselves. Ummm, that would be me. I need to look over her brochure and give her a call back.

After the massage I had my third adjustment. The back isn't popping as much as it did the first time, which I take as a good sign, but the neck just keeps popping. Dang desk job and computer work. I've tried to not spend as much time on the computer, but when your job depends on it for the most part, there's not much you can do. I may look at moving my monitor/keyboard or something to see if it will help.

I think I'm going to try the treadmill again tonight and see if I can get in a slow jog. Still don't want to push things, but I'm ready to get back at it.


Unknown said...

Sounds like the chiro is working. I love a good massage about 3-4 times a year.

Take care, and don't push it.

Busy Bee Suz said...

Glad you are feeling better. Being the "mover" that you are I am sure it is torture to take things easy. I have never been to a chiropractor before...knock on wood. LOVE a massage though....I have one coming that I have not used up as a gift...I may do that soon.
Take care,

Missy said...

In training, I massage once/week just to stay 'right.' MAY go chiro next, neck is still killing me!

Frasypoo said...

It sounds wonderful!Glad its working too.
I am still recovering from an injury and run very slow.At speed 3 on the treadmill and the same on the road.I ahte being so slow !