Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I'm IN!!!!!

It's a goal of mine to run a marathon in all 50 states. Doing one destination marathon a year is going to make it kind of hard to achieve in my lifetime, but maybe when I'm that old I'll finally be able to qualify for Boston. But I digress....

In my quest to branch out, I registered today for the Marine Corps Marathon in Washington DC. The marathon is October 25th, but it fills up fast, so when registration opened this morning my friend Brandi and I logged on and registered. I've wanted to do this marathon for a while, so I'm excited. The only downside is that it's the same day as the Austin 70.3 triathlon I've done the past two years, so I'll have to pass on that this year. I knew I would if I got into the Marine Corps Marathon so I'm ok with that.

It should be a great marathon to run and I'll have to decide if I'm going to train for time or if I'm going to have a fun marathon, stopping to take pictures along the way. I'm going to be helping out the fall TNT marathon team as they train for the Nike Women's Marathon October 18th and the San Antonio marathon in November, so I'll be able to train with them some which will help when I get to those longer runs.

In other news: Madison had her second track meet today running the 400m again. She still did great in my book, but did not qualify for the district finals tomorrow. That actually kind of helps us out as we have a busy Thursday. Heck, we've had a busy week and my training has suffered somewhat. I want spring break week back where I was able to get in several long rides. So far this week I've run 3 miles (Mondady), gone to yoga (Tuesday) and run 5 miles (Wednesday). We'll see what I can squeeze in on Thursday. Friday will be pictures for our church directory, so no working out before those. Saturday I'm committed to being soccer mom in the morning and will be missing my workout with the cycle team. The fields aren't too far from our house, so I think I'll run there. Then Saturday afternoon I'm participating in a Spin For Cash from 2:30-5 to help with my fundraising efforts. At least I'll get a decent workout then.

And in doggie news: I spoke too soon about how good the dogs had been. I can't remember if I have mentioned it before or not, but a while back Roscoe put two holes in my sheers in the office. The office window looks out into the front yard and when he saw our neighbors cat, he jumped up and when he came down his paws caught the sheer and put two holes in them. I was mad, but could deal with it. I mean... we've been in the house 8 years ... maybe it's time for new sheers. Well, then Tank saw them hanging lower (because of the holes) and started playing with them. What he actually did was make the two holes converge as one BIG hole. So, I tied the curtains up. What this did was leave a 1 1/2 foot wide section of window with nothing in the way to block the view. When Roscoe sees strange people outside he growls and barks. Well, Monday afternoon some neighborhood kids were playing hide and go seek. One even came up on our porch and ducked behind our bushes under our dining room window. My husband went outside and asked him not to hide there because we didn't want our dog to rip the curtains. If that would have been all he did, I would have been happy. Shortly after asking that boy to leave, I left for my run and Joel left to take Dalton to soccer. And right as I was finishing my run, Madison called and told me I needed to get home - NOW! I'm not sure exactly what happened because I wasn't here, but Roscoe broke the front office window. Luckily it's a double pane window and he only broke the inside pane. He's not hurt - no blood anywhere. But we have a lovely hole in our window that now has to be fixed. Oh the joys of dogs.


Unknown said...

Poor Roscoe! He was doing his job when those dang neighbor kids entered his space! Sorry about the window and sheers.

Congratulation on making the cut for the Marine Marathon in DC. And Kudos to Madison for hanging in there. My granddaughter runs the 400, and tomorrow night will be another evening meet with temps in the 40s, and who knows what the wind will be like...afterall, this is Texas! She actually won't run until after 8pm because the 400 is one of the last events. Ugh!

M said...

Oh...I think you need a few scarves that say, "My name is No No Bad Dog, what's yours?!"

Congrats on the run....I just got in the S.F. Nike again!! And my college friend is running Boston this year!! No more marathons for me...but I am rooting for you!

Busy Bee Suz said...

Well, you know when he is trying to protect his house, sometimes windows have to be broken. Poor guy...poor you. :(
Congrats on your D.C. marathon...should be FUN for you.
(torture for non-runners...ME)

Shauna said...

Congrats on the Marine Corps Marathon! That's so exciting! And sorry about the dog issues. Good thing they're cute, right? :)